1. To publicity in the country against corruption and crime.
2. To high light the cases against the people indulged in corruption,
crime with the help of CBI, i.e. Police Administration, Supreme Court, High Court.
3. To high light and to mass awakening against corruption through
Print media and Electronic media.
4. To investigate the standard of living of the prisoners those who are in Jail. To
stand voice and to stop against unnecessarily harassment by the police of Thana.
5. To develop relation between Police administration and Public. To
take and give cooperation from Police.
6. Try for justice to poor and helpless people. In the interest of
public approach to Hon'ble High Court.
7. In initial stage if proved to involve in corruption and crime, take
effective steps to stop according to the wishes people and in the interest of public against the
connected people and institutions.
8. To make non violence efforts, to finish the germs of corruption in the life
through vigilance team on institutions and the people involved in corruption.
9. To investigate/study the different type of corruption, Bribe and
misconduct, in the interest of the public, from time to time through confidential
enquiry, survey inspection etc., by opening such cases to make efforts to stop /solve.
10. To prepare the list of people, organization, Association
institution, involved in the corruption blaming through the public interested petitioners and to stop the
corruption through Police administrations, CBI and High Court to play the role.
11. To cooperate the Anti corruption Govt. and none Govt. organizations.
12. To honour and encourage the person who inform about the corruption and the
name and the address of the informers will be held confidential/secret.
13. To control over the misuse of Govt. vehicle by their officers and staff and to
stop it by haughtiness campaign.
14. To start agitation against toucher, bribe on behalf of enquiry, in
Thanas. To look after the arrangements ofr quality of food supplied to the prisoners in Jail/Thana.
15. To open the corruption by preparing recording, photography and video graphy
for those cases which are considered very serious.
16. To take constructive help from the vigilant people, against the
corrupt people and to spent that in the interest of the public.
17. To get cooperation from Human right Ayoug for stopping the Human rights.
18. To develop vigilantness among the people against corruption, and to take
constructive/economic help from the people, to work in the interest of humanity
and to make efforts for punishment to corrupt and bribed people.
19. To help the Police Administration in stopping the crime in the
society and to try to move the people to stand their voice against crime.
20. To work in the interest of the Country, to recognize the anti
social aliments, involved in terrariums activities.
21. To help the local administration, Police administration to control
all type of crimes.
22. To help the Police Administration, Govt. and Semi Govt. to prevent the
prosecution and alcoholism.
Green Card Camp Organised by Sachal Dal Team
23. To improve the child criminals and to educate the young criminals and to
prepare them to help in the interest of country, people and nation.
24. To encourage the released prisoners for self depend and to earn
their livelihood engaging them in work or to educate them for Home Industry.
25. To provide, the house to the relieved-Prisoners, for their moral
reformation the faculty of cottage industry and education, should be provided to them.
26. To help the family of relieved prisoners, educate them to become
good citizen so that they may not adopt the crime.
27. To cooperate and help the Jail Inspection, in arranging the
education and reglion publicity among the prisoners already in Jail and for their moral development,
games, entertainment.
28. To start Forrah affanders and probation Act.
29. To provide all types of help for starting the Prisoners Relief of
Probation Act.
30. To arrange the pleader for poor and helpless applicants.
31. To establish children welfare school, orphans hostiles, library,
reading room, museum, hospital etc so as to develop the villagers and society.
32. To cooperate in research and publication in the area of women and children
development, like abortion, for the solution of Dowry murders and public
welfare programmes.
33. To work under Consumer Forum rules.
34. To mobilize the Hindu Sanskriti and to create interest in Hindi
language among the people.
35. To engage the youngsters in different social activities to develop
their character, and self confidence and helping nature.
36. To develop in them the nationality.
37. To educate the people for human rights and legal rights and duties, and to
educate them for their development, security and safety.
38. To make efforts to stop the down fall of moral education principle
in the society / public.
39. To make efforts for controlling the use of Bidi, cigarette, smoking and
40. To do social work for the welfare of the society. Good quality of
publication for the development of character should be distributed through the mediation
41. To arrange camps for free treatment, social institution, doctors
and radio from time to time, the blood donation camp are to be arranged.
42. To work for social justice, education and economic development provided in
Indian constitution.
43. To manage the educational institution for education school college, higher
education literary, Aganwadi, oldage education.
44. To manage and to plan programme for Body builder, all types of education of
games, Yog, Akhadey and Body education institution. (Physical).
45. To manage treatment Hospital and center of distribution of medicine.
46. To manage the tree plantation, produce medicine, health camps etc.
47. Reading room-library-Entertainment-For good work in the society, the
library, reading room and entertainment are to be established.
48. Social Religion: To run and encourage arranging the programmes in
the interest of the society.
49. Free from intoxication: To make efforts for finishing the evils
spread in the society, just like theft, gambeling and accumulation of goods and to
prepare this type of programme.
50. En vironment: To demonstrate against air pollution and industrial
firm or assess pollution etc and to manage the programme of tree developing.
51. Help purpose: To help the people effected with flood, dry, fire,
accident and to get them well aquainted with the social welfare primarily of central govt. state
govt. and the local bodies.
52.To provide drinking water for village and city areas with the help of trust.
53.Time to time arranging the cultural and educational programme for the
development of the society.
54. To help the Govt. in the programme for stopping the evils spread
in society like to marriages in early age, Dowry system, intoxication and to encourage the
development programme.