NCIB is a National Base Non Government Organization, Registered under
Indian Trust Act 1882 . The Registration No is 327/IV/2012 (old)
287/4/2013 (Executed)
NCIB is Anti-Crime workers Organization who are devoted or dedicated
to do Something respected work for their own Country to make Crime and
Corruption free platform for the Coming Generation in the future. NCIB
working against all type of Crime and Corruption to make our Society
Care free and safe, NCIB do effectively work for gender Inequalities
exploitation's and injustice encore age assist talented artists,
poets, singers, writers, Social workers, Anti-Corruption workers,
Anti-Crime workers, Journalists, Doctors, Judges etc.
NCIB Provide Information to honorable president, prime minister, Home
minister, chief minister, chief Justice, Lok Sabha President, Supreme
Court, High Court, Income Tax Department, Vigilance Department, Crime
Branch C.B.I. Raw, I.B, C.I.D, Print Media, Electronic Media, Senior
Journalist, Police and its Administration etc.
NCIB Inculcate the Investigators of our Country the Spirit of Lawman
ship, the Solidarity, the Honesty the Sincerity and the in the
Interest of their Profession.
NCIB take urgent step & Investigation for Crime Corruption, Human
Right Protection, Child, Lalr, woman Protection, Bonded labor all
Illegal works under Indian Penal Act.
NCIB proved Secrete Informants for fake Currency, Narcotics, Drugs,
Antics, Illegal, Post Tickets, Stamp Paper and Illegal weapons to
C.B.I, Vigilance, Crime Branch. Home Ministry, Ministry of Defence,
State & Central Government, Local Police and its Administration
Our mobilize the Members to Share their hands in Solving Problems of
Victims of Injustice and Public in General.
NCIB is a Purely Non-Communal, Non-Political, association of members
formed in order to create Consciousness, the spirit of Social services
without only restrictions of religion caste or creed.