We are pleased to welcome you at National Crime Investigation Bureau's website.
National Crime Investigation Bureau (NCIB) is an expression of national and international tradition of tolerance in all cultures that form the basics of peace and progress. NCIB is based on the philosophy of Anti-Crime And Human Right. "Aparadh Mukth Bhartah " (The Crime Free India)" All human beings are born equal and free.
Pradeep kumar J
(Executive Director & National Vice Chairman)
National Crime Investigation Bureau
Come 15th August, 26 January, I Sunday See the TV Channels, radio, Station and even Magazines and the news paper off loading information an about freedom day, freedom and patriotism, they reinforce the fact that each on of us should really take pride in the fact that we are a free country.
I Just wonder, how short is the Public memory or is it just me who feels in a country where every second day there is a case of honur killing, caste discrimination and dalits are still a common parlance, what freedom are really talking about
It I forget the larger picture even after 60 year of Independence I don't feel like Stepping out of the house alone after & what freedom are we talking there is a Rape happing every 10 minutes, are we really free? How can we stop Crime in India?
India is our country we all are responsible citizens its our duty to make our country Crime and Corruption free.
Parmod Kumar
State Incharge - Rajasthan
National Crime Investigation Bureau
Hello Friends.....
We are pleased to welcome you at National Crime Investigation Bureau.
Our Theme & Aim is crime free India.
No corruption, no crime only peace healthy wealthy India also known as
Humanity, Respect, Faith, Morality, Fearless freedom, give and take
respect to each other. Each & Everyone feels proud to be an Indian.
Every responsible citizen / Indians are aware about these & do their
duty to make a country Economically strong, crime & corruption free.
So join & fight with us to make India Incredible.
Ganesh Ambadas Nawade
(Public Relationship Officer)
National in Place of Vinayak Vapasker
National Crime Investigation Bureau
We are pleased to welcome you at National Crime Investigation Bureau.
Our Theme & Aim is crime free India. Indians please Join us & give
your support to make peace, corruption free, violence free India.
Every human being, man or women do their duties fearless.
Our Nation is our Mother, as like that we worship women as mother,
sister, daughter, and a good friend, & give them security to live
their life as their own way.
To stop the crime & violence against women which is increasing day by
day. so we should come together & fight for every woman against crime
in our whole world.
Women has strength that amazes men. She can handle trouble and carry
heavy burdens. She hold happiness, love and opinions. She smiles when
she feels like screaming. She is happy and loves when she is afraid
her love is unconditional. There is only one thing wrong with her. She
sometimes forget she is worth praise in her personality in every shape
as a mother, a friend, a sister, a daughter, a teacher, a wife.......
salute her. please being with us.
Vande Matram - Jai Hind
Nirmala Kumari
(National Chief - Women Protection Port)
National Crime Investigation Bureau.
My dear brothers & sisters,
We have got freedom,but not completely,crime,corruption,child
labour,human rights,women protection and so on, from which we, all
citizans are suffering too much day by day. We have to fight against
such all of these enemies. So,please come on and joine NCIB to build
up our nation strong by protecting against these enemies.
We are inviting by heart those people who feel proud to be an INDIAN
& who love it from inner soul to fight & struggle against such
anomolies,so that one day our country will be number one in all good
fields ,in the world.
!!! Jai Hind - Jai Bharat !!!
Vikas Gupta
State President - Delhi
National Crime Investigation Bureau
Hello Friends, Jai Hind
Thanks for Login NCIB's website. NCIB is a name of Crime and Corruption Killer Team. We all are responsible citizen of our Country. Its our responsibility how can make our Country Crime and Corruption free?
Lets Come, join and fight with us. We want make our Country Crime and Corruption free and any Cost.
Sagar Howal
State President - Gujrat
National Crime Investigation Bureau
Hello friends Vande Matharam
Indians come we will do crime & corruption free india that is our NCIB aim. Our NCIB team ready to fight against crime & corruption ,you Indians please join with us and support Because in each and every walk of life people facing crime & corruption, beginning frome the birth Of child till deth,but no one is taken good action so peoples still suffering same problem Now no need to get suffer indians our NCIB ready to take risk to fight against crime & corruption Our NCIB aim is do crime & corruption free India , NCIB growing power full team in India With people support ,what we given services we are taking that related cases and get you positive result So you people co- operat with NCIB ,please without get any fear give us to complaint NCIB team give power full support with you.
Ajay pratap singh
(State Incharge) Uttar Pardesh
National Crime Investigation Bureau
I strongly feel that considering corruption a mass psychological disorder is wrong.I'll preceived and is not correct.strong anti-corruption bill give fear to people not to be corrupt.
Corrupts in society are being protected by corrupt system.corrupt system does not change because there has not been a good top leader who dares to change.
So, thats why i request to every youth.if you want corruption free society,then please join ncib india and help us to remove corruption in our society.
(State Incharge) Karnataka
National Crime Investigation Bureau
We are pleased to welcome you at National Crime Investigation Bureau. Our
Motive is to make our country a crime free country. I Request all my indian
friends to help NCIB Group & give your support to make India a peace,
corruption free, violence free India. Every human being, man or women do
their duties fearless and make others feel safe.
Our motto is to stop the crime, corruption & violence against helpless
which is increasing day by day. so we should come together & fight for
every individual who is in need against crime.
It is very easy to say that people are not doing their duties in any govt
sector but no one has the answer for "why is the system like this ?" Its
because we have encouraged them to do so ,Hence my request to every Indian
to be responsible and & awakened and "Fightback Against Crime".
Ron B Roy
State Incharge - Maharashtra
National Chief - Human Rights Port
National Crime Investigation Bureau
Hello Friends, Jai Hind
Thanks for Login NCIB's website. NCIB is a name of Crime and Corruption Killer Team. We all are responsible citizen of our Country. Its our responsibility how can make our Country Crime and Corruption free?
Lets Come, join and fight with us. We want make our Country Crime and Corruption free and any Cost.
State Incharge -Andhra Pradesh & Telangana
National Crime Investigation Bureau
Crime has affected everyone at some point in there lives in one was or another. Its easy to feel that thereas nothing you can do or to worry about the consequences if you d o pass on information.
Santosh Gupta
(State Incharge) Chhattisgarh
National Crime Investigation Bureau
When the blood in your viens returns to the sea And the earth in your
bone return to the ground Perhaps then you will remember that this
land does not belong to you, it is you who belong to this land, so
come lets fight to gather for crime on this land so lets join hand
with us and support us to make Crime free India.
Jai Hind - Jai Bharat
Videep Singh Makram
State Incharge - Madhya Pardesh
National Crime Investigation Bureau
Hello Friends;
Our NCIB team ready to fight against crime and corruption. We will do
crime and corruption free INDIA at any cost this is our NCIB Aim. You
join with us and give me your moral support. NCIB is a name of Crime &
Corruption killer team and I promise all of you if u give your support
for NCIB so NCIB create and give you better and crime & corruption
free INDIA.
Thanking you for visit NCIBs Web Site.
Jai Hind
Mr Santosh Kumar Gupta
State Incharge - Chhattisgarh
National Crime Investigation Bureau
Hello Friends;
Now-a-days corruption can be seen everywhere. It is like cancer in
public life, which has not become so rampant and perpetuated
overnight, but in course of time. When we talk of corruption in public
life, it covers corruption in politics, state governments, central
governments, "business, industry and so on. Public dealing counters in
most all government offices are the places where corruption most
evident. If anybody does not pay for the work it is sure work won't be
done. It is not only the responsibility of the government but ours
too. We can eliminate corruption if there will be joint effort. We
must have some high principles to follow so that we may be models for
the coming generation. Let us take a view to create an atmosphere free
from corruption. That will be our highest achievement as human beings.
Indians please Join us & give your support to make peace, corruption
free, violence free India. Every human being, man or women do their
duties fearless. So join & fight with us to make corruption free india.
Jai Hind
Sunil Tonjam
State Officer
(State Incharge - Manipur)
in place of Mr Dils Joseph Tom (State Officer Kerala)
National Crime Investigation Bureau
Kerala State